Industry Insights

Shining a Spotlight on the Women of Itron: Maureen Mol

March 15, 2023

We couldn’t be more excited to continue our Women’s History Month blog series that spotlights the outstanding women of Itron who are leading their teams by example, building a more resourceful world and opening doors for future generations of women.

The first blog of the series shares insights and reflections from senior business growth manager, smart cities, Amanda Dixon. In light of the 2023 Women’s History Month theme, ‘DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,’ we are delighted to spotlight an Itron information and technology (IT) champion in this second blog of the series. We caught up with Maureen Mol, principal of IT solutions delivery. Read on to get to know more about Maureen’s depth of expertise and a few insights from her career:

Q: What is your role at Itron?

“I’ve worked in IT for a few years now on the Delivery Team and my main focus is on coordination of testing when we want to go live with a new site or a new module within the Oracle system. I also take care of a lot of security related tasks and spend time on work behind the scenes that needs to get done around the different IT projects across the company. And for the rest – I address whatever comes my way and wherever I can be of assistance to others in or outside my group of IT colleagues.”

Q: What made you want to pursue a role in IT at Itron?

“As a young girl at six years old, I found out I could do things that my peers simply were not capable of (yet). I was good in math and anything that was ‘logic’ -- give me numbers and I could figure it out. So, it made a lot of sense for me to go into IT as my area of study, and I’ve remained in IT ever since. I worked a few years in different chemical laboratories and then joined Itron in 2000. I love the combination of using my brain to problem solve while also staying involved in the organizational side of projects.”

Q: Can you share a few highlights from your years of experience at Itron?

“It stands out to me when we have test-cycles and meetings with large groups of people who are often from different countries, all with their own cultural backgrounds, and we’re able to have a good constructive call to move the project forward. Before or after these meetings, I like to give support to team members who need it. Sometimes we have people in those meetings who are newer in their career and might be nervous to speak up in front of big groups of people with a lot of knowledge and experience. I think it’s my role to help guide them on the path toward success so that together as a team, we succeed.”

Q: What are you looking forward to career-wise in the foreseeable future?

“I’m excited to do more of what I’m doing now. I love the challenges that are currently on my plate. IT is constantly on the move, so we need to move with it. I love the balance between the technical things and the more organizational things. I like when a project needs extra help and I can step in to support. Within a company, you need steady pillars that you can depend on and will always be there to help where needed. I see myself as a pillar at Itron and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”

Stay on the lookout for the next trailblazing Itron leader we spotlight in the third blog of the series coming soon!


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