
Alternative Approaches to Constructing Forecast Prediction Intervals

November 22, 2021

Itron’s Forecasting group continues their free forecasting webinar series on a variety of forecasting and load research-based topics. All past webinars were recorded and available in a YouTube library.

To watch more recent recordings, you must be registered for the current year’s webinars. Our final brown bag of 2021 will be presented by Dr. Frank Monforte on Tuesday, Dec. 7 and is entitled Alternative Approaches to Constructing Forecast Prediction Intervals. System operators ensure there is always sufficient electricity to “keep the lights on” by setting minimum generation reserve margins to avoid shortages. The growing penetration of embedded generation resources increases load forecast uncertainty and reserves are being stretched. We’ll discuss alternative forecasting approaches that capture the main sources of the load forecast uncertainty. To register for this brown bag session, go to Be sure to bookmark the page for a quick reference for new forecasting events coming in 2022.

Participation is free, but prior registration is required. Each seminar lasts approximately one hour, allowing 45 minutes for the presentation and 15 minutes for questions. Seminars start at 12 p.m. PST. If you can’t attend a seminar or missed one, don’t worry! Your registration ensures that a link to the recording will be sent to you automatically.

Register Now!

By Paige Schaefer

Sr Forecast Analyst

Paige Schaefer is a Product Marketing Manager in Itron’s Outcomes group for the strategy, planning and implementation of projects supporting marketing functions spanning electricity, water and gas business units. She interacts directly with sales, product and corporate marketing to identify new marketing opportunities, recommend actions and the coordination of targeted campaigns to increase brand awareness and market share where she works closely with the teams to develop content and strategies. In addition, she provides website support, event coordination and manages Itron’s Energy Forecasting Group (EFG), which supports end-use data development, the Statistical End-use Approach (SAE) and coordinates their annual meeting for discussing modeling and forecasting issues. Paige has a B.S. in Business Administration from San Diego State University with an emphasis in Marketing.

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