2024 In-Person Forecasting Training Workshops and the ISO Summit
Itron is excited to announce three different in-person, hands-on training workshops for 2024. All three workshops will be two-and-a-half days in length in Boston, Massachusetts from Nov. 5-7. Energy Forecasting 101 is geared toward new forecasters while Fundamentals of Sales and Demand Forecasting builds the basics of linear regression and exponential smoothing in the development of sales, energy and demand forecasts to support financial and long-term planning processes. New this year, Short-Term Forecasting is for larger utilities, independent system operators (ISOs) and retailers who need to forecast five minutes to seven days ahead. Come join us in beautiful downtown Boston, increase your skillset and network with your peers! More information and the registration form are available here. Space is limited.
“The workshop was absolutely fantastic!”
-- Terra Higgin, Liberty Utilities
For the past 15 years, Itron has also hosted an annual forecasting summit to bring ISO representatives from around the world together to discuss their unique and common issues and practical solutions. The ISO Summit is a blend of peer presentations, modeling discussions and roundtable dialogue. This year’s event will be in Seattle, Washington from September 23-25. If you are part of an ISO/RTO/TSO organization, this is an event you won't want to miss! Join us to connect with industry peers and gain invaluable information about the complexities of forecasting in today’s dynamically changing electricity world.
More information on the ISO Summit is available here.
To learn more about Itron’s workshops, meetings and free forecasting brown bag webinars go to www.itron.com/forecastingworkhops. Need help with your forecast? Energy providers throughout the world look to Itron as their strategic partner to meet their energy forecasting needs. Learn more at www.itron.com/forecasting or contact us at forecasting@itron.com.
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